Effective and efficient tools for inventory management and replenishment

inventory valuation control

Scriptarus Software

  • The solution is already being used on a daily basis to replenish stores.
  • Maximize sales with current inventory levels
  • Identify stores with too much or too little inventory and redistribute inventory over time.
  • Proactively manage retail inventories to meet trading partner goals.
  • Many manufacturers base raw material and/or finished goods inventory stocking levels on inaccurate, long-term sales forecasts. The high cost of these “bad numbers” depresses overall business performance. One result is that companies that use a total “push” inventory system will always end up with high inventories. An excellent method for achieving greater effectiveness with working capital and freeing up valuable cash is to acquire materials and put them through production so fast that inventory doesn’t have time to become a “liability”. Of course, this requires a well-engineered order-to-delivery process that can have enormous benefits beyond just inventory reduction, especially in customer service.

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    Our software is proven to deliver:

  • Inventory at Retailers decreases while sales increase.
  • Suppliers with the strongest client relationship understand that managing this information is a critical step in driving sales opportunities.

    Products must be in stores, on the shelf in the right quantities if you plan to hit your sales targets.
    Unfortunately, there just isn't enough manpower to check every store every day for out-of-stocks and other problems that cause lost sales. In-store operations are not optimized.

    By streamlining the entire supply chain, a company can reduce inventory, improve time to market, compress cycle times, free up more cash, decrease costs and improve profitability. World-class manufacturers have allocated the necessary resources to speed up the order-to-delivery cycle and improve the entire supply chain with the result clearly visible in customer service performance and the reduction of all forms of inventory.

    Meet Your Goals:
    Significantly reduce Script Order preparation time.
    Increase sales with minimal inventory.
    Grow sales faster than inventory.
    Reduce markdowns.
    Reduce environmental footprint.